From the desk of Mark Jewell
Continuing the trend, our third seminar, which was held at the Cockburn Success Library conference room again proved to be popular with a great turn out and some great questions.
Personally, I find the seminars are the perfect opportunity to just take the time to listen.
Firstly, it is reaffirming to hear from people who attend speaking so positively about what Providence offers the Perth seniors downsizing market.
Secondly, to hear the wide range of questions asked by the audience and to listen to the responses from John and the executives behind Providence is always a learning experience. So far, every question has been clearly answered and has resonated positively with the audience which is great to see – and hear!
For me, just by listening, I understand why our Providence rental communities are creating so much interest.
With the Mandurah village now forty percent pre-leased and the introduction of our new community at Haynes being presented for the first time, I am sure we are on the right track with the design of the communities, facilities and homes we are providing.
Development Update
Haynes Update
The Development Application for the village was lodged on 14 August 2020. Feedback has been received from Development WA and the relevant service authorities which has required a number of modifications to the plans. Whilst the changes don’t materially change the layout of the village, there have been a significant number of detailed design changes required which are now being made by the Providence architect.
We expect to resubmit the revised plans in early January 2021 and are anticipating Development WA approval in late January / February 2021. Negotiations are continuing with a civil contractor and a building contractor. It is expected that we will be able to start siteworks in late March 2021 which is great news.
Mandurah (Furnissdale) Update
The Development Application for the village was lodged on 30 September 2020. Initial feedback has been received from the Shire of Murray which has been addressed by the team and resubmitted to the Shire. The application has been referred to state government referral authorities with their comments required by 15 January 2021. The Shire of Murray has indicated that a decision on the application will be made on 18 February 2021, subject to no significant curveballs being received from the referral authorities.
The development team is also working with nearby landowners regarding having sewer extended to the site. Late last year, the adjacent owners agreed in principle to allow Providence to connect to their private sewer main and a more detailed heads of agreement is currently being negotiated to finalise these arrangements. All other services are available to the site.
Detailed civil design is continuing and negotiations are underway for the construction of the homes on the site. Based on the above we are targeting to commence work on site in March 2021.
Applications Available Now!
I’m pleased to announce that the application forms are now available for download. If you prefer a hard copy just call me on 0411 497 111 and I will mail one to you.
It’s taken us a little while to finalise the application because of the level of detail required for a long-term lease. This means we have added a few more questions to the form to make sure it’s right for everyone. Please make sure you complete all of questions, otherwise we will be unable to process your application.
Once we’ve processed the application, we will be in touch regarding the next step in the approval process.
If you would like to know more about Providence or would like to attend our next seminar, feel free to give me a call on 0411 497 111 or send me an email.
Until next time.
Information in this article is true and correct as of 7 January 2021.